Tips For Teachers To Plan Free Time Over Summer

It is nearly the end of the summer term, and no doubt many school teachers will be looking forward to a few weeks respite ahead of things gearing up again in September. In order to really switch off and make the most of your free time, it can help to plan ahead for the start of the next term now.

This might be the last thing that you feel like doing, but on the other hand, you don’t want to waste all of August under a cloud of worry about all the things you need to do before September! A little planning now can go a long way, and help you start the new term in the right frame of mind.  Here are some tips that might be useful.

Get the housekeeping in order

Order in all the books and stationery you will need for the new term now, rather than risk any delays, especially as global supply chains are still experiencing backlogs and disruption. Find out what your budget is and decide what the priority textbooks are.

Have a browse through your emails and documents, deal with anything important now, and flag up what needs attention in September. Brush up on the school policies and procedures, just in case there are any changes that you missed during the thick of term time hustle.

If there are any important dates or deadlines in the first couple of weeks of the new term, flag them up on your calendar, so they don’t crop up as an unwelcome surprise when you least want it to.

Plan your first few classes

If you possibly can, plan your first week’s lessons. This will help you start the new term feeling calm and prepared, and you can really relax and enjoy your time off without it looming ahead. You will feel confident in your subject matter, and the best way of presenting it to the students.

If you have chance, also look over your class lists, so you are aware of any issues with students, such as special educational needs, or attendance or behavioural problems. You may need to adjust your plans to suit different abilities or levels of attainment within the class.

Ringfence your time off

Once you have done your prep, it’s really important to have some time out and relax, so you are refreshed and at your best for September. Carve out the dates in your calendar when you will not be doing any school related chores at all, and stick to them. If you do a lot of work from home, tidy your desk and pack your books away as a mental and physical reminder to stay away from the job.

If you aren’t going away on holiday, plan some different activities and days out to take yourself out of your normal orbit, and reconnect your sense of self, and your friends and family. Switch off your email accounts and social media which are connected to work, even if some of your colleagues are friends. This is serious me-time.

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